SVN changelog

3315 by VorteX

Fix textures/towns/roof2_1 double declaration

Подробнее: 3315 by VorteX

3314 by VorteX

Large decorator / map / model patch:


  • Added option to disable envelope rendering in plant tool (Decorator options / Draw envelope).
  • Clean up cursor rendering to not obstruct editing (disabling it when envelope are drawn etc.)
  • Added "pointer" envelope to select and modify tool which select one entity
  • Added "skin groups", which are similar to player pants/shirts colormapping. A 8-bit skin num (0-256) is divided into 2 parts, first 4 bits and the last. First ones set the skin num (0-15). Second one sets the skin group (32 - 1, 64 - 2, 96 - 3 etc., 16 groups possible).
  • Transform tool: New "Randomize parm" mode. Which can randomize yaw, skin, skingroup (num and group).
  • Rewritten brush presets saving routines to be safe (does not overwrite while brush, just the presets).
  • Plant tool: scale are not saved in brush presets.
  • Plant tool: new "distribution mode" parm which can be: Explode (default old distribution method), Thin (new one, based on different formula) and Thin 2 (based on different randomization mode which randomly excludes entities from brush instead of increasing coverage radius).
  • Plant tool: density not can be up to 1000%
  • Brush constructor: improved the way layer radius works. A number is fixed radius (old behavior), "auto" is automatic radius (calculated from model bounds), "auto*value" - scales the automatic value. "auto+value" - adds a fixed value to automatic radius, "auto-value" - same but subtracts.
  • Brush constructor: increased max models for layer from 8 to 32.
  • Brush constructor: possible layer decoration groups are not parsed from decorations.txt- Brush constructor: max presets now 6 (was 5).
  • Transform tool: added option to disable movement tracing for "Offset" mode
  • Transform tool: changed back step key to "ctrl+space"
  • All folders under "maps/" are now excluded in all file select menus. Cos there are only lightmaps, nothing really useful.

More small cleanups


  • support for .skin files for all models (even ASE) which acts like surface shader auto-remapping
  • now there can be up to 9 _foliage.reg files (_foliage, _foliage2, _foliage_3 ... _foliage9), which are added sequentally.
  • ProcessDecorations: fix a crash with empty groups.
  • misc_model: new "_pushvertexes"/"_pv" field which stands for "fatboy" modificator - vertex origins get pushed by their normals. Value can be both negative and positive.
  • misc_model: new "uvautoscale"/"_uvas" field which auto-scales surface texture coordinates by model scale. Useful for variable-scale stone models.Big models cleanup:
  • New "models/surfacemodels" directory which holds decorator-placed map models.
  • models/plants rearranged to get different models in subfolders - models/mapobjects/spikes move to surfacemodels/spikes- models/debris/cobblestone moved to models/surfacemodels/cobblestone (sicne debris are for in-game models to be spawned at object destruction)
  • Rebuild maps that was affected by cleanups
  • Fixed decorator brushes that was affected by cleanups

Decorator-placed stones:

  • New "cobblestones" brush as an example of stone placement brush.
  • Cobblestone models now using skin groups to cover foreground (stone general) and background (stone bottom) textures. Skin num can be 0-2 (rock, rock2, rock3). Skin group can be 0-3 (grass, ground, mud, sludge).
  • Added "surfacemodels_stone" decoration group with UV autoscaling enabled


  • Added test.picoterrain model (and test-picoterrain map) to show an ancient technique to make terrains from heightmaps introduced in q3map2 in 2004. This is pure history, no real usage by Blood Omnicide since this model format wasn't finished.
  • Cleaned up models/plants (added grass.ase source file).

Подробнее: 3314 by VorteX

3313 by VorteX

Water shader: fix double fog on water edge (very noticeable in eagle eye mod).

Подробнее: 3313 by VorteX

3312 by Lorenzo Forini

2 files

Подробнее: 3312 by Lorenzo Forini

3311 by VorteX

Omnicide engine - use LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag which allows up to 4gb of memory on 64-bit systems. Fixes crashes on w1m4 decorator grass loading.

Подробнее: 3311 by VorteX

3310 by VorteX

Stones from w1m5 henge.

Подробнее: 3310 by VorteX

3309 by VorteX

w1m4: reduced lightgrid size and bsp block size.

Подробнее: 3309 by VorteX

3308 by VorteX

15 files

Подробнее: 3308 by VorteX

3307 by VorteX

Decorator: can now save .reg files (actually they are same as .map, just different extension).

Подробнее: 3307 by VorteX

3306 by VorteX

Compiler BSP phase optimizations:

  • Optimized ProcessDecorations() so it takes 1-4 sec (was up to 200sec in w1m4)
  • Optimized FixVertexAlpha() by adding multi threading (up to x%number_of_cores% faster)
  • Optimized ASE model loading by 5x

At whole, this leads to major speedup of BSP phase of maps using misc_models for world geometry (such as w1m4, w1m3, w1m5 etc.)

Cleanups & new features:

  • Optimize stage is more effective now (Saving 5%-8% more space)
  • Surfaces are merged more tightly which leads to less draw calls and minor FPS gain
  • Map compiler now load %mapname%_foliage.reg as an addition to base map. Foliage files can contain point entities. All foliage (grass) are moved to this files.


  • maps/.buildinfo files renamed to .log
  • all maps recompiled

Подробнее: 3306 by VorteX
