Registro delle modifiche di SVN

2855 by VorteX

Mushroom models polished.

Leggi tutto: 2855 by VorteX

2854 by VorteX

Fix userdelete in credits.

Leggi tutto: 2854 by VorteX

2853 by VorteX

fix cvars music_volume, music_folder to be saved in config.cfg.

Leggi tutto: 2853 by VorteX

2852 by VorteX

Mausoleum-themed locations polished. Added slight fog to all crypt-themed locations (except for light crypt).

Leggi tutto: 2852 by VorteX

2851 by VorteX

common/nodraw, common/areadisable: made it hide with tranclucent filter (also when selected it shows things behind it).

Leggi tutto: 2851 by VorteX

2850 by VorteX

Blood Pill 1.02 - now can show save identifiers for enemies, buttons, scenery, items.

Leggi tutto: 2850 by VorteX

2849 by VorteX

Fix trigger_puzzle for w1m3-pillars-crypt2

Leggi tutto: 2849 by VorteX

2848 by VorteX

Prototype location for flay spirit forge.

Leggi tutto: 2848 by VorteX

2847 by VorteX

Mark1-Mark9 common materials now shown in game (with vertex lighting and basic shading) which is useful for prototyping locations.

Leggi tutto: 2847 by VorteX

2846 by VorteX

Increased wolf jumping precision and fix jump end up in spikes (trigger_hurt now).

Leggi tutto: 2846 by VorteX
