Registro delle modifiche di SVN

2885 by Userdelete

Added working files of the fountain of blood

Leggi tutto: 2885 by Userdelete

2884 by Userdelete

Added the test version of the fountain of blood with temporary textures.

Leggi tutto: 2884 by Userdelete

2883 by VorteX

Blood fountain location started.

Leggi tutto: 2883 by VorteX

2882 by VorteX

Language selection menu: update languages list each time menu is entered.

Leggi tutto: 2882 by VorteX

2881 by VorteX

Added kain_dlc folder which is used to store officially supported downloadable contents (special translation packs, patches etc.). Added two DLC's - the unfinished French translation and russian translation pack from golden leon group. Added "kain_make/makemore.cmd" make scripts to build PK3's for this DLC. Additionally, make scripts was fixed to export builtin and custom locale packs with dds textures.

Leggi tutto: 2881 by VorteX

2880 by VorteX

Main menu: remove a debug print.

Leggi tutto: 2880 by VorteX

2879 by VorteX


Leggi tutto: 2879 by VorteX

2878 by VorteX

Locale: fixed detection of translated loading screen if pic is only presented as DDS file.

Leggi tutto: 2878 by VorteX

2877 by VorteX

RwgTex: added "match" parameter for include lists which does a wildcard match check. "*" equals to any amount of symbols, "?" - to one any symbol

Leggi tutto: 2877 by VorteX

2876 by VorteX

Cumulative patch: When falling big heights (morethan 128) camera is not following player now. Support for trigger_environment's sky and music switch. New "bloomintensity" parameter for environment scripts (affests internsity of bloom effect). Reworked QC strzone routines so it requires static string for "". This reduces number of zoned strings (especially for newsly initialized objects). Speech sound files now can be translated with external files supplied in translation packs. Better checking for footstep sound material (fixes 'no steps' with thick surfaces). func_wall invisibility reworked, so it can do footstep sound now. Improvements on spirit forge location - added forge sky, fog, music for extended/remix edition and new lighting.

Leggi tutto: 2876 by VorteX
