Registro delle modifiche di SVN
1350 by VorteX
global patch, part 1, mostly working one- fixed typos in locale- shaders cleaned up, each texture has shader now (as needed for proper materials)- added writeshaderlist.cmd which autogenerates shaderlist.txt (loaded by q3map2)- added writeskipshaders.cmd which will make unloadable shader dummies for _norm, _gloss and other misc textures, so they will be hidden in radiant (with 'hide image missing' setting is on)- overlay/ textures relocated to special- alphamod/ textures relocated to special- added special meterial clipping textuire for each material (17 textures)- some textures renamed, added new ones
Leggi tutto: 1350 by VorteX
1349 by VorteX
quakec patch, part of global patch:- added automatic camera pitch adjustment when player is behing solid structure- new music system (will be supported on new map versions that comes with next patch)- new code for saving ents, may be buggy- dead monsters now save their state and position, added "death cause" thing- fixed a couple of bugs- music now set by "noise" worldspawn field, which is string (like track01)- new cvar cg_drawgamemodels to check gamemodels FPS drain- added silent doorway teleports (new spawnflag for trigger_teleport)- level exits now acts as silent doorway teleport, making screen fade- changed material indexes, will be applied with maps come with next patch
Leggi tutto: 1349 by VorteX
1345 by VorteX
model skins patch:- crypt buttons- sarco1- shp3- new variant of knife (3 textures)- savedevice col1- 4 telepods with normals
Leggi tutto: 1345 by VorteX