Registro delle modifiche di SVN

1372 by VorteX

Added a track sumbitted by Evellnirt

Leggi tutto: 1372 by VorteX

1371 by VorteX

some cleanups & improvements: fix rain weather not applying after day 5, add kain's comments about first outdoor day, first night and poison, first rain, fix bug with hud artifact count not updated properly, add "gametimeset" cheat to tests against particular gametime

Leggi tutto: 1371 by VorteX

1370 by VorteX

cleanup normals for some models

Leggi tutto: 1370 by VorteX

1369 by VorteX

knife3_1 - new texture, added telega1.md3, some bugfixes

Leggi tutto: 1369 by VorteX

1368 by VorteX

fixed q3md3 imported to not shift texcoords down

Leggi tutto: 1368 by VorteX

1367 by Mean Person

4 files

Leggi tutto: 1367 by Mean Person

1366 by VorteX

throwing knife textured, working on world map, now drawing lights and 'fog-of-war', added keyboard cheats (try type 'darkmaster' or 'editlights' in game), several bugfixes, some work on new overlay minimenus, optimized several util functions, mouse cursor drawing generalized to all menus

Leggi tutto: 1366 by VorteX

1365 by VorteX

2 models from norgant

Leggi tutto: 1365 by VorteX

1364 by VorteX

some textures & ambient sounds

Leggi tutto: 1364 by VorteX

1363 by VorteX

working in worldmap, added lights (which light up visited places, current place are lit red)

Leggi tutto: 1363 by VorteX
