Registro delle modifiche di SVN

865 by VorteX

NetherCode_RunScript patch

Leggi tutto: 865 by VorteX

864 by VorteX

Menu scripts cleanup, added onEnter/onExit events for page/pageset controls.

Leggi tutto: 864 by VorteX

863 by VorteX

Large enhancements of NetherCode 1.0 core: added script function calls (now 3 types of functions - system builtins, prog builting and scripts) + parametrized call = function type requesting for sake of speed (s. for system, p. for prog, f. for script). Added options background. Cleaning up names for lumpstring utils.

Leggi tutto: 863 by VorteX

862 by VorteX

1 files

Leggi tutto: 862 by VorteX

861 by VorteX

fix font sizes

Leggi tutto: 861 by VorteX

860 by Mean Person

1 files

Leggi tutto: 860 by Mean Person

859 by VorteX

Set v_contrastboost to compensate gamma color desaturation.

Leggi tutto: 859 by VorteX

858 by VorteX

Russian language for menu. Added "testchar" command for qfont which will pring ASCII number of char.

Leggi tutto: 858 by VorteX

857 by VorteX

NetherScript 2.0: @defined(n) - returns true if this define exists @incpath(s) - transforms include path to simple path @file_exists(n) - returns true if file with this path existsQFont 2.0: charset - override default chars path (for getting chars from another fonts) resetcharset - reset to this charset name

Leggi tutto: 857 by VorteX

856 by VorteX

ahh, forgot main thing

Leggi tutto: 856 by VorteX
