Registro delle modifiche di SVN
1480 by VorteX
Fixed some bugs with speech + cd pause + viewports.Tweaked rainsound volume formula.Moved monster death use from damage.qc to monster death code, by the way refactored killer detection, so activator for trigger calls is always who really killed monster (this fixes bugs with speech appear on wrong ents on cemetery brigands).Added some bugs to my TODO.
Leggi tutto: 1480 by VorteX
1477 by VorteX
better rain sounds (reduced humming)Fixed bug with rain sound disappearing on high rain intensities.
Leggi tutto: 1477 by VorteX
1476 by VorteX
Update entities.ent for recent commit.Fix bug in inventory where kain make quotes for empty item/spell list.
Leggi tutto: 1476 by VorteX
1474 by VorteX
Fixed "sound/ambient/under.wav" for proper looping.Fixed speech not playing in inventory.Fixed bug in misc_ambientsound attenuation (and lessened default radius to 200)Fixed bug with brigands doing sightsounds to monsters (stuffil 'We though we killed you bastard!' to ghouls), only they do sightsound only to player or posessed entity.Added strength requirement to pushable stones.Added "delay" feature to info_speechmark.
Leggi tutto: 1474 by VorteX
1473 by VorteX
update entity definitions - fixed description for misc_viewport_focus, changed Fullvolume description for misc_ambientsound, new Delay key for info_speechmark. Also Cameramark flag removed from info_speechmark as it now detects targeted viewports automatically.
Leggi tutto: 1473 by VorteX