RwgTex 1.3:- Added support for YCoCg Scaled and Unscaled compression (DXT5 with RGB converted to YCoCg colorspace, color component stored in alpha, optional color scaling (normalizing image to 0-255 space). New general options: force_ycg1, force_ycg2 (file masks). New commandline parm: -ycg1, -ycg2.- New DXT compressor from GIMP DDS Plugin, can compress DXT1, DXT3, DXT5 and YCoCg/YCoCg Scaled.- Added DDS magic signs support. A sign is two DWORDS forming 8-char comment string to be included in DDS headers. New general options: sign, signword. New keys: -nosign (disables sign, generate pure DDS), -gimpsign (makes GIMP-DDS sign which makes generated YCG1/YCG2 DDS to be readable in GIMP)