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Repository Reference



Blood Omnicide repository stores all files needed for the development process. It contains game files, media, sourcecodes, useful tools and other helpful stuff that makes life easier when working on various aspects of the game. Blood Omnicide repository stores project at its very latest development state and all previous versions.

Before you start working with Blood Omnicide repository, be sure to learn how version control systems works and particulary subversion.

[edit] Getting a working copy

This is actually first step on work with Blood Omnicide repository - get a working copy of the repository.

Install SVN client (for Windows TortoiseSVN is recommended). For executing svn checkout command you only need to get repository address, password is not required.

Important: Make sure path to working copy folder is nice and doesn't contain non-latin characters and whitespaces:
// Wrong
c:\Documents and Settings\Администратор\Desktop\Blood Omnicide Repository
// Correct

Downloading full working copy takes about 4GB of bandwidth. Downloaded working copy takes about 10GB, make sure you have at least double of that as it will grow up with time.

Important: By default checkout will download all stuff of svn, including base game and optional DLC packages. In order to reduce download size you can exclude kain_dlc folder from being downloaded by pressing "Choose items..." button in "Checkout Depth" group of Checkout window. Also you can exclude "misc" and "devkit" folder if you only planning to test stuff. If you are updating SVN, you can set the checkout depth in "Update to Revision" menu.
Tip: Download can be stopped and resumed at any time

[edit] Looking around

Once download is completed, you will see:

bin32 game binaries for x86 platform
bin64 game binaries for x64 platform
devkit game sourcecodes and tools
kain gamedir storing all of Blood Omnicide files (textures, maps, scripts etc.)
kain_make installation scripts and scripts to build release version of the game.
kain_dlc gamedir storing additional downloadable content.
mapeditor level editor
misc help files, icons, map shots etc.
gpl.txt GNU GPL v2 license
launch.exe Blood Omnicide launcher
omnicide.exe Blood Omnicide game executable
omnicide-dev.exe Blood Omnicide development-only executable (has raised entity limits)

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