Blood Omen file formats

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This page is dedicated to the specifications for file formats used in Blood Omen. It encompasses exploring work done by the community since Blood Omen was released.

Most simple formats (such as .BIG file structure, TIM specs) were unveiled long time ago, but some ones (map format, sprites) was unveiled lately during Blood Pill development.

BIG file

This is general file storing all game resources. It's structure is quite simple:

uint32 - number of entries
Array of entries:
  uint32 - Hashed name of file
  uint32 - File size
  uint32 - File offset
Array of entry data:
  bytes - File contents
Tip: There can be gaps between files

TIM image

Playstation images. Used to store graphics and tiles. TIM specs are widely known, so it will be not listed here. Reference decoder/encoder can be found here.


  • Some pill.big entries can contain several TIM's glued together.
  • Some blood omen TIM files can contain tails with nulls.



Playstation's Very-Audio-Good files (4-bit ADPCM variation) used in blood omen playstation version and by blood omen sneak peek preview. Unused in PC version. Reference decoder/encoder can be found here.


  • Many VAG files are headerless (having mess in the header, even no 'VAGb' fourCC, hence could only be detected by direct parsing).
  • Normally should be played at 11025hz, but some ones (music and some sounds) at 22050hz


Headerless files containing raw IMA ADPCM stream to replaces VAG files in PC version. They are using exactly same file names as VAG files in playstation version.

Tip: Files have no header at all

Waveform Audio File

Blood Omen PC version have some sounds in .WAV format (playstation have them in .VAG). This format is widely known and does not need to be explained.

Tip: It seems game doesnt use WAV headers, some file have bogus play rate and should be tweaked manually to play with correct rate thay listened in game



Used in Blood Omen PlayStation version. STR is MJPEG video stream with interleaved audio. jPsxDec tool could be used to extract and decode this format from playstation CD images.

JAM Videos

JAM is lossy video compression format developed by Semilogic entertainment and used in Blood Omen PC version. The format uses shared palette for several frames and a form of dynamic compression. JAM spec and decoder was unveiled in 2011 by MisterGrim. JAM can only store video, audio was stored in separate .VAG file (which was for real, raw IMA ADPCM).

JAM videos have much more artifacts than STR, sound track is mono (STR have stereo).

JAM decompressing code can be found here


Sprites are images of characters and animated stuff. There are 3 extensions as of filenames: SHA, SDR, SHD. However, when Blood Pill was developed, there were no knowledge of real file names, so this spec will define "Sprite types" which covers unpacking of all sprites, including unused ones.

Sprite type 1 - Item Cards

Always have 1 frame and no compression used.

uint32 - always 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 
uint32 - file size
768 bytes - 24-bit colormap data (256 colors)
int16 - x position
int16 - y position
byte - width
byte - height
byte - x
byte - y
width*height bytes - picture contents (indexes into colormap)
Tip: Really, it is simplified sprite type 3

Sprite type 2 - Images collection

Multiframe sprite with per-frame palette. Used by interface images collections (such as spell/item pics).

uint32 - number of frames
uint32 - file size
768 bytes - 24-bit colormap data (unused)
Array of frame headers:
  768 bytes - 24-bit colormap data
  uint32 - offset to the picture data from the end of headers
  ubyte - width
  ubyte - height
  byte - x
  byte - y
Array of frame picture data:
  width*height bytes - picture contents (indexes into colormap)
Tip: In some files real width/height may be double of what written in header

Sprite type 3 - Object sprites

Multiframe sprite with shared palette.

uint32 - number of frames
uint32 - file size
768 bytes - 24-bit colormap data
int16 - x offset for all frames
int16 - y offset for all frames
Array of frame headers:
  uint32 - offset to the picture data from the end of headers
  ubyte - width
  ubyte - height
  byte - x
  byte - y
Array of frame picture data:
  bytes - compressed picture contents (indexes into colormap) using run-length encodingE, some files using 4-bit color (see #Compression methods)


  • It is unknown how to get what compression file do use (RLE on 0x00, or 0xFF or both), it seems engine gives that info when file get loaded
  • Some files are using 4-bit color instead of RLE

Sprite type 4 - character sprites

Multiframe sprite with shared palette, with additional frames headers. Used by characters. Pretty same as type 3.

uint32 - number of frames
uint32 - file size
Array of additional frame headers (rounded to the greatest multiplier of 4):
   byte - damage mark. A value of 1 tell the game to deal damage in this frame.
768 bytes - 24-bit colormap data
int16 - x offset for all frames
int16 - y offset for all frames
Array of frame headers:
  uint32 - offset to the picture data from the end of headers
  ubyte - width
  ubyte - height
  byte - x
  byte - y
Array of frame picture data:
  bytes - compressed picture contents (indexes into colormap) using run-length encoding, some files using 4-bit color (see #Compression methods)


  • It is unknown how to get what compression file do use (RLE on 0x00, or 0xFF or both), it seems engine gives that info when file get loaded
  • Some files are using 4-bit color instead of RLE

Sprite type 5

Another variation of type 3 with no offset info and (sometimes) broken width/height, which should be fixed with special trick.

uint32 - number of frames
uint32 - file size
768 bytes - 24-bit colormap data
Array of frame headers:
  uint32 - offset to the picture data from the end of headers
  ubyte - width
  ubyte - height
  byte - x
  byte - y
Array of frame picture data:
  bytes - compressed picture contents (indexes into colormap) using RLE  (see #Compression methods)


  • Some frames have broken width/height because they width is above 255 and format uses 1 byte to encode it, 255 + [width] should be used to correct this
  • It is unknown how to get what compression file do use (RLE on 0x00, or 0xFF or both), it seems engine gives that info when file get loaded


Maps are central thing which brings all resources (images, sounds, tiles, sprites) together. There is about 80% of map structure revealed, allowing to extract general amount of things from it, including: textures used, a map image, monster/effect/item placement, triggers, info marks, doors and buttons etc.

Each map has a mapnum and section that is included in filename. That info is used to place map in a global adventure map (see TheLost Worlds - May survey for complete info about level naming).


Tiles are 256-color TIM images compressed with LZ77 (see #Compression methods).

Each tile texture has 8x8 = 64 tiles. Engine renders all tile separately, switching current tile texture as needed.

uint32 - compressed data size
bytes - compressed data


  • Since all tiles are 8-bit 256x256 TIM, unpacked data size is always same

Map file

Map file is fixed-length structure which holds tiles placement (80x80), enemies, lights, buttons and other objects to form Blood Omen level. Because of it's fixed nature, there are many limits, and each map file have exactly same size (so it can just be copied into memory).

// blood omen map structure
typedef struct 
	unsigned short parm1;    // first parm, if script is not defined it"s 0xFFFF, 0xFFFE is null value
	                         //  - destination/source map number (TRIGGER_EXIT, TRIGGER_ENTRANCE, TRIGGER_TELEPORT)
	                         //  - speech num (TRIGGER_INFOMARK, TRIGGER_IMAGEMARK)
	unsigned short parm2;    // second parm:
	                         //  - button num (TRIGGER_BUTTON)
	                         //  - pic num (TRIGGER_IMAGEMARK)
	byte           parm3;    // destination/source map section (TRIGGER_EXIT, TRIGGER_ENTRANCE, TRIGGER_TELEPORT)
	byte           srcx;     // sposition
	byte           srcy;     // sposition
	byte           type;     // script type, one of TRIGGER_
	byte           u2[3];    // ?
	byte           x;        // position
	byte           y;        // position
	byte           u3[3];    // ?

typedef struct
	unsigned short savenum;  // unique savegame id
	byte           itemcode; // one of MAPITEM_ code
	byte           x;        // position
	byte           y;        // position
	byte           hidden;   // set to 1 if item is spawned by trigger (like barrel destruction)
	unsigned short target;   // targeted triggergroup
	byte           u[4];     // ?

typedef struct
    unsigned short targetnum;// a triggergroup
	byte x;                  // position
	byte u1;                 // ?
	byte y;                  // position
	byte u2;                 // ?
	unsigned short tile1;    // tilenum
	unsigned short tile2;    // alternate state tilenum
	byte contents1;          // contents, see CONTENTS_ defines for possible content values
	byte contents2;          // alternate state contents
	byte u3[12];             // ?

typedef struct
	unsigned short target;   // a triggergroup to call
	unsigned short tile1;    // tilenum
	unsigned short tile2;    // alternate state tilenum
	byte flags;              // see BUTTONFLAG_* defs
	byte u1;                 // ?
	unsigned short savenum;  // unique savegame id
	byte u2;                 // ?
	byte u3;                 // ?

typedef struct
	byte x;                  // position
	byte y;                  // position
	byte lightposx;          // position of lightsource
	byte lightposy;          // position of lightsource
	byte sprite;             // index of sprite from sprites array
	byte lightheight;        // height (for lightsource)
	byte lightwidth;         // width (for lightsource)
	byte flags;              // effect flags
	byte lightflags;         // light flags
	byte r;                  // red color component
	byte g;                  // green color component
	byte b;                  // blue color component
	unsigned short targetnum;// triggergroup
	byte start_on;           // 1 if effect starts on, 0 if starts off
	byte u3[5];              // ?

typedef struct
	byte data[164];

typedef struct
	byte x;                  // start position
	byte y;                  // end position
	byte w;                  // width
	byte h;                  // height
	byte ofsx;               // multiply by 16 to get real offset
	byte ofsy;               // multiply by 16 to get real offset
	byte u1;
	byte u2;

typedef struct
	byte u1;                 // ?
	byte u2;                 // ?
	byte u3;                 // ?
	byte u4;                 // ?
	unsigned short tile1;    // base tile (grpobject really, not standart 32x32 tile)
	unsigned short tile2;    // toggled tile (grpobject)
	unsigned short tile3;    // destroyed tile (grpobject)
	byte u5;                 // ?
	byte u6;                 // ?
	byte pushable;           // a strength required to push
	byte toggled;            // trigger can toggle it"s state (means tile2 is there)
	byte u7;                 // ?
	byte spawnitems[3];      // item codes to spawn when toggled/destroyed
	byte u8;                 // ?
	byte destructible;       // destructible flags
	unsigned short savenum;  // unique savegame id
	byte u10;                // ?
	byte x;                  // position
	byte y;                  // position
	byte u11;                // ? 
	byte active;             // 1 is filled, otherwise 0
	byte u13;                // ? 

typedef struct
	byte x;                  // position
	byte y;                  // position
	byte u1;                 // ?
	byte u2;                 // ?

typedef struct
	bo_path_t paths[4];      // patrole paths
	byte u1[12];             // ?
	unsigned short savenum;  // unique savegame id
	byte u2[52];             // ?
	byte charnum;            // monster class (same as char* sprite)
	byte u3[10];             // ?
	unsigned short target;   // triggergroup to call once killed
	byte u4[20];             // ?
	byte lastpath;           // ?
	byte u6[18];             // ?
	byte u7[15];             // ?
	byte x;                  // position
	byte y;                  // position
	byte u8[4];              // ?
	unsigned short speechnum;// a speech number for disguise talk
	byte u9[6];              // ?

typedef struct
	// a chain of tilemap numbers used (to make a filenames)
	// each tilemap holds 64 tiles, tiles numbering is linear
	// like, a tile #131 is tile #3 from tilemap #2
	// being 2-byte (unsigned short) tilenum contains some flags (flag are starting from byte 10)
	// see TILEFLAG_ defines for possible tileflags
	unsigned short  tilemaps[40];
	byte            u1[12]; // yet unknown info
	bo_object_t     objects[10];
	bo_monster_t    monsters[32];
	bo_grpobject_t  grpobjects[8][32];
	// animated tiles - a tiles that can be toggled between 2 states and have different contents for each state
	// used on doors, spikes that pops up on the floor etc.
	// animated tiles have triggergroup to be executed by script
	bo_atile_t      atiles[100];
	// a special buttons array holds all buttons used on level
	// pretty similar to animated tiles
	// buttons have triggergroup to be executed by script
	bo_button_t     buttons[20];
	// yet unknown info #2
	byte            u2[8];
	// scenery pushable objects - tables, chairs, stones etc.
	bo_scenery_t    scenery[256];
	// first tilemap
	unsigned short  backtiles[80][80];
	// second tilemap
	unsigned short  foretiles[80][80];
	// contents map - a contents value for each static tile (in game they get overriden by switchable tiles if presented)
	// see CONTENTS_ defines for possible content values
	byte            contents[80][80];
	// linear triggers array - all triggers used on map
	bo_trigger_t    triggers[255];
	// triggers are non-solid interaction points, activated when player stands in them
	// this array golds pointers to triggers
	byte            triggertiles[80][80];
	// items placed on level
	// itemcodes 0-9 are powerups, codes 10, 11, 12, 13 reserved for unique item codes
	// so there will be not more than 4 unique item type per level
	// unique items are: spells, weapons, forms, artifacts, tokens
	byte            uniqueitems[4];
	bo_item_t      	items[50];
	// yet unknown data
	byte            u4[8];
	byte            u5[8][40];
	byte            u6[24];
	// effects
	unsigned short  sprites[8];
	bo_effect_t     effects[64];
	// map general info
	unsigned char   u61;
	unsigned char   environments; // 0 is outdoor, 1 is indoor
	unsigned char   ambientcolor[3]; // rgb format, 15 15 15 is white, 31 31 31 is double white
	unsigned char   songnum; // 0 is oracle caves
	                         // 1 is mausoleum
	                         // 2 is awakening
	                         // 3 is road to vengeance
	                         // 4 is nupraptor
	                         // 5 is maleks bastion
	                         // 6 is voradors mansion
	                         // 7 is dark eden
	                         // 8 is solemn dirge
	                         // 9 is avernus 
	                         // 10 is elzevir
	// yet unknown info #7
	unsigned char   u7[930];

// things that are not figured out yet:
// - how lightning is done (variable form lights, day-night light, ambient light)
// - monster"s paths"s switch (some paths are messed up)
// - counters and puzzle triggers?

// map environments

// tileflags
#define TILEFLAG_UNKNOWN1       1024
#define TILEFLAG_NODRAW         2048
#define TILEFLAG_UNKNOWN6       32768
#define TILEFLAG_MASK           (1024 + 2048 + 4096 + 8192 + 16384 + 32768)
#define TILEFLAG_IMASK          (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512)

// contents
#define CONTENTS_NONE           0
#define CONTENTS_SOLID          1
#define CONTENTS_WATER          2
#define CONTENTS_LAVA           3
#define CONTENTS_FIRE           4
#define CONTENTS_SPIKES         5
#define CONTENTS_JUMPWALL       8
#define CONTENTS_SWAMP          11
#define CONTENTS_JUMPFENCE      10
#define CONTENTS_MISTWALK       12
#define CONTENTS_SACRIFICE      13
#define CONTENTS_ICE            19
#define CONTENTS_SAVEGAME       44
#define CONTENTS_BATMARK        45

// triggers
#define TRIGGER_EXIT            1
#define TRIGGER_ENTRANCE        2
#define TRIGGER_TOUCH           4
#define TRIGGER_TELEPORT        6
#define TRIGGER_IMAGEMARK       7

// button flags
#define BUTTONFLAG_SECRET       2

// effect flags
#define LIGHTFLAG_FIRE         2   // fire damage
#define LIGHTFLAG_THUNDER      4   // thunder light
#define LIGHTFLAG_X            8
#define LIGHTFLAG_FORWARD      16  // spot light orientation, vertical lightsize sets number of steps, horizontal size sets starting step size
#define LIGHTFLAG_BACK         32  // spot light orientation, vertical lightsize sets number of steps, horizontal size sets starting step size
#define LIGHTFLAG_RIGHT        64  // spot light orientation, vertical lightsize sets number of steps, horizontal size sets starting step size
#define LIGHTFLAG_LEFT        128  // spot light orientation, vertical lightsize sets number of steps, horizontal size sets starting step size

// light flags (possible light flags - 4 or 6)
#define EFFECTFLAG_DYNAMIC      1  // dynamic light adds to world light, not replacing it
#define EFFECTFLAG_FLICKER      2  // flickering light
#define EFFECTFLAG_LIGHT        4  // has light

// item codes
#define MAPITEM_REDSPHERE       8
#define MAPITEM_UNIQUE1         10 // unique item codes
#define MAPITEM_UNIQUE2         11 // unique item codes
#define MAPITEM_UNIQUE3         12 // unique item codes
#define MAPITEM_UNIQUE4         13 // unique item codes

// real item codes
#define ITEM_SPELL_STUN         11
#define ITEM_SPELL_LIGHT        16
#define ITEM_SPELL_REPEL        18
#define ITEM_ARTIFACT_FLAY      23
#define ITEM_ARTIFACT_FONT      26
#define ITEM_ARTIFACT_BANK      27
#define ITEM_ARTIFACT_HEART     28
#define ITEM_TOKEN_MOEBIUS      31
#define ITEM_TOKEN_DEJOULE      32
#define ITEM_TOKEN_DOLL         33
#define ITEM_TOKEN_MALEK        34
#define ITEM_TOKEN_AZIMUTH      35
#define ITEM_TOKEN_BANE         38
#define ITEM_WEAPON_MACE        43
#define ITEM_WEAPON_AXES        44
#define ITEM_ARMOR_BONE         48
#define ITEM_ARMOR_CHAOS        49
#define ITEM_ARMOR_FLESH        50
#define ITEM_ARMOR_WRAITH       51
#define ITEM_FORM_BAT           53
#define ITEM_FORM_WOLF          54
#define ITEM_FORM_DISGUISE      55
#define ITEM_FORM_MIST          56
#define ITEM_ENDING_1           69
#define ITEM_ENDING_2           70

Compression methods

Index-based Run Length Encoding (RLE)

Used on sprite data to compress black areas which is normally transparent. This technique alters reading process of byte 0x0 and 0xFF. If got this byte when reading picture data, should read 1 byte more which will be times to repeat this byte. Blood Omen RLE only used for values 0x00 or 0xFF.


// output 32 bytes with value 0xFF
0xFF 0x20

4-bit images

Encode 2 pixels per byte with 256 color palette but with only 16 colors used (other pixels are black).

For each byte it produces 2 bytes in order:

  • byte 1 : <byte> - (int)(<byte>/16)*16; // <byte> mod 16
  • byte 2 : (int)(<byte>/16) // <byte> div 16


 231 will output 2 pixels with values:
 byte 1 : 7
 byte 2 : 14

Variation of LZ77

A variation of the LZ77 (LZ1) data compression algorithms.

Sample decoder can be found at The Lost Worlds and Blood Pill sourcecode.


  • Andrey [Rackot] Grachev - Bigfile specs
  • Pavel [VorteX] Timofeyev - Map file, sprites
  • Ben Lincoln - LZ77 decompressor
  • JAM decoding specs by MisterGrim
  • Balder and Zench from XentaX forums ( - IMA ADPCM

See also

Personal tools
