SVN changelog
3158 by VorteX
Cumulative patch:
- New MenuScript and NetherConfig Notepad++ Syntax files
- NetherScript: changed all NetherCode keywords to lowercase (Function become function etc.)
- Viewports: code cleanup, preparations for extender parameters such as color filter, depth of field etc.
- Viewport Editor: first release. Work sheme is:
- Enter editor (type 'editviewports', current .map automatically loaded)
- Edit stuff
- Save new .map version
- Go to file explorer and replace maps/.map with saved version.
- Run entity-only compile.
- OmniEditor: all file select boxes now have current path shown.
- Fixed bug with Northern exit points not working (fixing ziegsturhl->pillars exit and such).
- Extended joystick filter key range.
- Fixed several other menu system bugs.
Model Texture Level Audio Script file
Folder Document Binary file Other