SVN changelog
3374 by VorteX
Big cumulative patch: - weather effects fixes (reenabled rain drips, fixing timer and more) - added vegetation animation and wind effect (also used on trees) - removed foliage distance culling (seems its not affecting performant anymore since drawsurfs counts are vastly reduced by bloodmap OPTIMIZE stage) - reenabled light glares effect - removed physics from inn bar1-4 models (they block path too often) - very large amount of bloodmap fixes to provide most high quality of lightmaps possible. This fixes are too much big to list here, see www.github.com/paulvortex for a list ofchanges for BloodMap and DPOmnicide. - new bloodmap feature that allows somemodel.md3.ase to override somemodel.ase for misc_model (allows explicit vertex alpha in misc_model with md3 models). - w1m5-nachtholm-fountain location improved - all location rebuild as RELEASE - bug fixes
Model Texture Level Audio Script file
Folder Document Binary file Other