SVN changelog

3355 by VorteX

GLSL: added darken effect for MODE_WATER (for blood fountain).

Подробнее: 3355 by VorteX

3354 by VorteX

New bloodmap build with new q3map_lightmapNoStitch keyword, fixed for surface meta path, and q3map_textureSize patch fix.
Removed limit of 128x128 lightmap per surface (now defaults to whole lightmap size). This needs to be tested.

Подробнее: 3354 by VorteX

3353 by VorteX

New engine build (adds some r_water optimization and new deformVertexes roundwave to be used with blood fountain).

Подробнее: 3353 by VorteX

3352 by VorteX

Game: blood fountain functionality. Adds new .qc files and a new trigger: trigger_bloodfountain . trigger_bloodfountain is a point trigger which makes a fountain entity out of the targeted info_point's, and func_wall's. Info_points makes blood suck points. Func_walls makes the blood pools and streams. Also added two more (unused) stats to cover unused bloodfountain speeches: kain's vampiric abilities and swamp immunity (first one may be point of interest, second one is useless, as there are only one swamp in the game, and mist form can be used to walk over swamps).

Подробнее: 3352 by VorteX

3351 by VorteX

Locale: added w1m5-nachtholm-fountain.nsx (with all fountain speeches).

Подробнее: 3351 by VorteX

3350 by VorteX

Translation: added menu_opt_water = "Water" (menu.nsx / menu_opt / water ). To all translators: please update your scripts.

Подробнее: 3350 by VorteX

3349 by VorteX

Fix stupid trigger_ambientsound texture.

Подробнее: 3349 by VorteX

3348 by VorteX

BloodMap: fix stitching.Radiant: added -mv 1000000, -mi 500000.

Подробнее: 3348 by VorteX

3347 by VorteX

Big cumulative patch:
- BloodMap: patch (v1.5.1) fixing problems with lightgrid and normal smoothing.
- BloodMap: fixed most of brush faces seams caused by low precision brush planes handling.
- BloodMap: better misc_model lightmapping.
- BloodMap: improved lightmap stitching which reduces amount of lightmap seams.
- Engine: Added self shadowing for offsetmapped texture (dpselfshadowing shader keyword).
- Engine: new r_celtexturing mode (reduces constrast of diffuse textures).
- Engine: fixed many-lightmaps DP crash.
- Engine: new engine debug cvars.
- Game: new cvar cg_light_glares_brightness.
- Game: fix legacymap eagle camera bug, reduced legacymap scale 30 -> 26.
- Game: added many targets triggering. Each trigger object can have up to 8 targets (target...target8).
- Game: improved entity definitions.
- Models: added pivot point and light point tags to many gamemodels.
- Radiant: minor changes in the build system. Final build renamed to regular build. Ambient occlusion settings and light grid size now reside in map build script (was worldspawn keys before). Plus build process now share same console window.

Подробнее: 3347 by VorteX

3346 by Mean Person

updated model for savedevice. updated foliage for pillars map. some bug fixes for map compiler script.

Подробнее: 3346 by Mean Person
