SVN changelog

1013 by VorteX

inventory pic holders

Подробнее: 1013 by VorteX

1012 by VorteX

rename weapon & armor wear-pics

Подробнее: 1012 by VorteX

1011 by VorteX

some inventory work, type cl_cmd inventory to see

Подробнее: 1011 by VorteX

1010 by VorteX

some tims

Подробнее: 1010 by VorteX

1009 by VorteX

too bad, html2chm was glitching once building from dirs names .html. Strange. Rename enemiessource folder and rebuild Enemies.chm - now with captives and DeJoule.

Подробнее: 1009 by VorteX

1008 by VorteX

tweak blood overflow

Подробнее: 1008 by VorteX

1007 by VorteX

Blood overflow effect

Подробнее: 1007 by VorteX

1006 by VorteX

added GIFs for captives/DeJoule, added Roland notes about boss blood colors, fixed several typos. Changed Min/Max bounds of gamma slider - now 1.0 - 2.2.

Подробнее: 1006 by VorteX

1005 by rwgtm

2 files

Подробнее: 1005 by rwgtm

1004 by VorteX

some tweaks on blood effect, lesser monster search radius (160, was 200)

Подробнее: 1004 by VorteX
