SVN changelog

3011 by VorteX

1 files

Подробнее: 3011 by VorteX

3010 by VorteX

Experimental setgamma util that sets system gamma ramps identical to blood omnicide ones, it helps to get correct texture colors in photoshop/GIMP (but before applying gamma ramps, you should set Photoshop/GIMP color mode to linear, it is using sRGB by default).

Подробнее: 3010 by VorteX

3009 by Mean Person

1 files

Подробнее: 3009 by Mean Person

3008 by VorteX

Bugfix and features patch:- fixed messy player movement while first-person viewport is active- added thunder sounds in crypt locations near windows- screen blur effect (when menu/inventory/viewport) is active- faster first-person viewport in open-area maps (reducing r_water quality)- bigger first-person viewport screen- new "moonlight" lightstyle- fixed bug with sunlight/sunbounce lightstyle not working in crypts

Подробнее: 3008 by VorteX

3007 by VorteX

RwgTex 1.3:- Added support for YCoCg Scaled and Unscaled compression (DXT5 with RGB converted to YCoCg colorspace, color component stored in alpha, optional color scaling (normalizing image to 0-255 space). New general options: force_ycg1, force_ycg2 (file masks). New commandline parm: -ycg1, -ycg2.- New DXT compressor from GIMP DDS Plugin, can compress DXT1, DXT3, DXT5 and YCoCg/YCoCg Scaled.- Added DDS magic signs support. A sign is two DWORDS forming 8-char comment string to be included in DDS headers. New general options: sign, signword. New keys: -nosign (disables sign, generate pure DDS), -gimpsign (makes GIMP-DDS sign which makes generated YCG1/YCG2 DDS to be readable in GIMP)

Подробнее: 3007 by VorteX

3002 by VorteX

Bugfix patch:- Disabled 16-bit viewfbo rendering in dungeons since it is bugged with overlay views and breaks multisampling- ODE simulation no have player entity as static obstacle which reduces a change to get stuck in pushable models- Fixed droptofloor to work properly (fixes prologue scene 'player floaing in air' bug)- Temporarily disabled r_glsl_skeletal as it become broken in newest DP builds- String buffers now correctly restores from savegames

Подробнее: 3002 by VorteX

2998 by Lorenzo Forini

1 files

Подробнее: 2998 by Lorenzo Forini

2997 by Lorenzo Forini

1 files

Подробнее: 2997 by Lorenzo Forini

2996 by VorteX

Uploaded megalithes by Olexandra Vasylieva.

Подробнее: 2996 by VorteX

2995 by Lorenzo Forini

2 files

Подробнее: 2995 by Lorenzo Forini
