Automation scripts
Blood Omnicide repository contains a number of automation scripts used to make life easier by making some repeated actions. Building a game chapter is one of the big automation scripts you already know about. This appendix chapter lists other automation scripts.
Materials automation
Various scripts to help with materials, all scripts are located in kain/scripts/automation/
Build terrain materials
Terrain materials in Blood Omnicide are already generated using about 20 terrain textures (rock, grass, ground etc.) and all combinations of materials (rock-grass, grass-ground, grass-rock etc.).
All available terrain textures are listed in kain/scripts/terraintypes.txt
- make_terrain_pics.cmd: generate radiant/textures for materials (you need ImageMagick 6.6.7 Q8 installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.6.7-Q8)
- make_terrain_shaders.cmd: generate terrain textures_terrain.shader
Build shaderlist.txt
File scripts/shaderlist.txt is used by map compiler and level editor to load .shader files. Whenever new material scripts are added, this file should be re-generated.
- make_shaderlist.cmd: generate shaderlist.txt
Build skip shaders
Level editor is dumb, it doesn't know what a normalmap is. So it shows normalmaps, specular textures, and all other additional textures in the texture window, which is incorrect. To prevent that a special material file is made for level editor that flags all this textures as skipped. This script must be executed each time new normalmaps, specular and other additional textures are added.
- make_shaders_skip.cmd: generate radiant/scripts/skip.shader
Music automation
Music automation scritps is created to help with publishing new Bloody Sounds tracks. They are pretty simple. All scripts is located in kain\music\automation.
- make_files.bat: make Bloody Sounds .mp3 files and ZIP containing all OGG files
- make_html.bat: make HTML code for Bloody Sounds page (russian)
- make_html_en.bat: make HTML code for Bloody Sounds page (english)
Map automation
There is many of temp files created during compilation. This files are: .prt, .srf,, .bad, .log, .pts.
kain/maps/cleanup.bat: remove all temporary files